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Women with hearing loss laughing on park bench.

That loss of hearing can impact your brain has been proven in multiple studies. (Just have a look at some of our past blog posts.) The good news is, it’s also been confirmed that you can regain some of that cognitive capacity by using hearing aids.

This is not to imply that hearing aids are somehow going to make you smarter. But there’s some compelling research that suggests hearing aids can enhance cognitive abilities, lowering your risk for depression, dementia, and anxiety.

You Do a Lot of Hearing With Your Brain

To understand the connection between your ears and cognition, it’s important to realize that a significant portion of your hearing actually takes place in your brain. That’s where the vibrations of the world are transformed into the sounds of your surroundings. So as your hearing diminishes, the parts of your brain that interpret those sounds suddenly have a lot less to do.

In combination with other factors (like social solitude), the changes in your brain (and hearing) can result in the onset of specific mental health problems. In persons with untreated hearing loss, it’s not uncommon to observe an increase in the chances of depression, anxiety, and dementia.

When you wear hearing aids, you’re essentially “treating” your hearing loss. That means:

  • The parts of your brain responsible for hearing will get a more consistent workout; the more your brain performs work, the healthier your brain stays.
  • Because you’ll be able to couple your hearing aids with routine monitoring and other treatments, you can help keep your hearing from becoming increasingly worse.
  • You’ll be less likely to isolate yourself socially. Conversations will be easier to comprehend and follow, so you’ll be more inclined to participate.

Staying Attentive

Hearing aids stimulate your brain and your social life and can prevent depression, anxiety, and dementia.

  • Inner ear health: Inner ear injury is not brought on by hearing loss alone. But there is typically a common cause for both hearing loss and inner ear damage. So treating the one can help you treat the other, and in some cases, a hearing aid is a part of that treatment regimen.
  • Cutting edge technology: Hearing aids have started incorporating novel technology that can actually notify emergency contacts (or emergency services) when a person using the hearing aids experiences a fall. This might not prevent the fall in the first place, but it can prevent long-lasting injuries or complications caused by the fall.
  • Creating better awareness: Occasionally, you fall because you’re not aware of your environment. Diminished hearing ability can significantly lessen your situational awareness. Determining which direction sound is originating from can be as difficult as hearing sound in general. Without treatment, this can end up resulting in injury or a fall.

In truth, you’re more likely to avoid a fall when you’re using hearing aids. A hearing aid keeps you more alert, more mindful, and more tuned in, maximizing cognitive attributes and physical health in the process.

Stop Ignoring Your Hearing Aid

We haven’t even yet dealt with the fundamental hearing benefits of hearing aids. So when you consider that amplified hearing, factor in the mental health benefits and physical well-being, it seems as if wearing these devices would be an easy decision (Pretty obvious).

The problem is that many people don’t know they have hearing loss. It can be hard to recognize hearing loss when it develops gradually over time. That’s the reason why it’s crucial to get your hearing checked on a regular basis. A wide range of other health problems can be exacerbated by loss of hearing.

Hearing aids will reduce the possibility of physical injury while helping to slow dementia and depression. Besides helping your hearing, hearing aids provide a striking number of benefits.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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