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Woman struggling to hear without her hearing aids.

What’s the reason for wearing hearing aids? More than likely it’s to hear better, right? Needless to say, that will be most people’s answer. Improving your hearing is what a hearing aid is manufactured to do.

But could there be an even more pertinent reason? We wear them so we don’t become estranged from the people around us…so that we can actually take part in discussions around us not just hear them. Hearing aids allow us to be certain that we don’t lose out on the key lines of our favorite show, the punchline of a joke, or our favorite music.

Put another way, there are a variety of advantages, overlooked benefits, that come with wearing your hearing aids. And those less well known boons may be the distinction between wearing your hearing aids on a daily basis or leaving them hidden away in a drawer somewhere. Without doubt, these five overlooked advantages of hearing aids have earned their time in the spotlight.

Clearer Sound

So it’s not just that your hearing aid makes things louder. Sounds become sharper also. The reason for this is that hearing decline doesn’t take place evenly in both ears: certain frequencies are the first to go. So a hearing aid will make the sounds around you clearer and easier to understand.

Additionally, modern hearing aids have all kinds of settings that can be adjusted (or that can adjust themselves) based on the room you’re in, the audio characteristics of that room, and so on. So that you are able to hear more clearly, hearing aids selectively augment the volume of certain frequencies and leave others alone.

A More Active Social Life

The considerable benefit is that if you can hear the sounds around you more clearly, you will feel more comfortable engaging in social situations. Consider it this way: when you can’t follow the conversation at a crowded (and loud) restaurant, you’re not as likely to jump in with a joke. But you will know just the right moment to launch your funny retort when your ears are clear and crisp and so are the voices around you.

When you can hear cleanly, clearly, and don’t have to ask anybody to repeat themselves, social interaction becomes less of a chore; Instead, enjoying social situations is something you can do once again.

Having Improved Concentration

When you’re having difficulty hearing, a big portion of your brain is devoted to one task: decoding the mess. You have to redirect such a large amount of your brainpower towards making sense of confused or partial audio information that your entire concentration is impacted. Whether you’re are watching TV, reading the news, or doing your taxes, your attentiveness will be much better if you are wearing hearing aids that are functioning correctly.

You Will be Safer

A higher risk of falling is documented in those who suffer with neglected hearing loss. Hearing aids help protect you from a fall in two ways. Preventing falls from the start is the primary one. It’s easier to take steps without tripping on something when you have better concentration (and thus be less mentally exhausted.) Second is when an individual experiences a fall, the automated tech in the hearing aid activates. This technology can be simply set up to contact emergency services or friends and family if a fall happens.

An Increase in Cognitive Awareness

It’s not just your attention that gets better when you use your hearing aids. You also get a cognitive improvement as well. When you start to segregate yourself because you have a hard time hearing, the pathways in your brain, responsible for interpreting sounds, can begin to atrophy (basically, it’s a complex process that we’re simplifying for the sake of time). A hearing aid will help maintain several mental cognitive functions, meaning your self esteem, mood and mental health could all benefit from using your hearing aids.

Why Not Get Benefits Sooner Rather Than Later?

Taking the slow approach has no real advantage if you’ve already detected a decline in hearing. Hearing aids can provide both immediate and long term advantages. So contact our hearing care professionals and schedule a hearing exam right away.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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