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Man touching hearing aids that stopped working because the batteries drained.

Do you feel as if your hearing aid batteries won’t keep a charge as long as they should? The reasons for this are sometimes unexpected. How long should hearing aid batteries last? The ordinary hearing aid battery should last anywhere from 3 to 7 days. That’s a very wide range. In fact, it’s so wide that it probably can’t help you predict what should be going on with your hearing aid. You might be on day 4 at the grocery store when out of the blue, things get quiet and you can’t hear the cashier. Or perhaps on day 5, you’re having an enjoyable conversation with friends when you unexpectedly feel really alone because you can’t hear what anyone is saying. Now, you’re watching TV. You can no longer hear the news. Wait, it’s only day 2. Yes, sometimes they even drain before that 3-day mark. It’s more than a little inconvenient. You’re missing out on life because you’re not sure how much battery power you have left in your hearing aids. Here are the likely culprits if your hearing aid batteries die too soon.

Moisture Can Drain a Battery

Did you know that humans are one of the few species that produce moisture through their skin? We do it to cool down. We do it to get rid of excess toxins or sodium in the blood. Moreover, you might live in a rainy or humid climate where things get even wetter. The air vent in your hearing aid can become clogged by this extra moisture and it will be less efficient. Moisture can also interact with the chemicals of the battery causing it to drain faster. Here are some steps you can take to avoid moisture-caused battery drain:

  • Don’t leave the batteries in when you’re storing them for several days
  • Open the battery door when you store the hearing aids
  • Don’t keep your hearing aids in the bathroom, kitchen or other moist conditions
  • Obtain a dehumidifier for your hearing aids

Batteries Can be Depleted by Advanced Hearing Aid Functions

You get a much better hearing aid nowadays than you did even 10 years ago. But if you’re not keeping your eye on them, these advanced functions can cause faster battery drain. You can still use your favorite features. But bear in mind, you will need to switch out the battery sooner if you are streaming music from your phone all day. Your battery can be drained by any of the advanced features, like multichannel, Bluetooth, noise cancellation, and tinnitus relief.

Batteries Can be Affected by Altitude Changes

Your batteries can be sapped out if you go from low to high altitudes particularly if they are already low on juice. Take some extra batteries if you are going on a plane or high up into the mountains.

It’s Possible That The Batteries Aren’t Really Low

Some hearing aids tell you when the battery is low. These warnings are, ordinarily, a “heads up”. It doesn’t mean you have a depleted battery. In addition, sometimes an environmental change in humidity or altitude briefly causes the charge to dip and the low battery alert gets activated. Remove the hearing aids and reset them to end the alarm. You might be able to get several more hours or possibly even days of battery life.

Improper Handling of Batteries

Wait until you’re ready to use your hearing aid to pull the tab from the battery. Make sure you wash your hands before touching your hearing aids or batteries to avoid getting hand oil or dirt on them. Never freeze hearing aid batteries. It doesn’t extend their life as it could with other types of batteries. Hearing aid batteries might lose battery power faster if you make these basic handling mistakes.

Purchasing a Year’s Supply of Batteries Isn’t a Very Good Plan

When you can afford to do it, purchasing in bulk can be a smart idea. But the last few batteries in the pack most likely won’t have full power. Try to stay with a 6-month supply or less unless you’re okay with wasting a few.

Buying Hearing Aid Batteries on The Internet

Buying from the web can be a good thing. There are some really great deals out in cyberspace. But some less scrupulous people will sell batteries on the internet that are very close to the expiration date. Or even worse, they are already passed. So you need to be careful.
There’s an expiration date on both zinc and alkaline batteries. You shouldn’t buy milk without looking at the expiration. You need to do that with batteries too. If you’re going to get the most out of your pack, be sure the date is well in the future. It’s probably a smart idea to message the vendor if you don’t see an expiration date or even better, come see us for your battery needs. Be sure you know and trust the seller.

Current Hearing Aids Are Rechargeable

Hearing aids may drain too rapidly for a number of reasons. But you can get more life out of your batteries by taking some precautions. You may also consider rechargeable hearing aids if you’re in the market for a new set. If you charge them while you sleep, you get a full day of power the next day. The rechargeable batteries only need to be replaced every few years.

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